Success Story

Tokyvideo maximises its fill rate thanks to Header Bidding

December 2021

Founded in 2020 by the TechPump group, is the leading streaming platform in Spain. Tokyvideo offers original series for free. Since October 2020, Opti Digital optimizes the profitability of the medium thanks to 360º support.




Completion Rate





Interview with Borja Mera Urrestarazu, CEO of TechPump

Why Opti Digital?

We searched for Partners that could help us go one step further than what AdSense could offer; and within that search, Opti Digital was the one that fit best with our policy of caring for our users and provided the best monetisation opportunities.

What was your challenge before working with Opti Digital?

  • A variety of formats we did not have available (video, Sticky…).
  • An eCPM supported solely by the bid managed by Google AdSense.
  • Difficulties to implement a Google Ad Manager that would allow a fast web speed when loading elements via Lazy Loading.

What solutions does Opti Digital provide to solve it?

The integration of Header Bidding in the sale of our inventory has allowed us to obtain better Fill Rate and eCPM results than Adsense provided.

We used to optimize our revenue with Header Bidding in IAB display and native ads formats. Recently, we have implemented Opti Digital’s Header Bidding solution in In-stream video. We are still in the reviewing this data, but a better Fill Rate in this metric seems to be apparent.

What are your goals for 2022?

The web page is growing, and the aim is to maintain the same trend, offering users an increasingly better experience on the website, not only for content consumption, but also to make it easier for more content creators to join the platform.

What would you recommend to publishers to establish a good monetization strategy?

Our basis in all projects is the care of the web. Many publishers seek monetisation in the short term, but we believe that the main thing is to build a web page that is as easy to navigable as possible for users and that they can acquire the trust that inspires them to generate more content and upload it onto the website. 

Based on the user experience, the data you analyse from their browsing and the organic growth that occurs, it is time to test the inclusion of monetisation elements that make sense for the website and its business strategy. However, it is important to never become intrusive to the user.

This not only ensures the user experience on the web is good, but also that the promotional elements included on the website also obtain better results in their metrics.

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