Automated traffic allocation
Automatic Management Of Ad Volume With Flexible Pricing
A key component of the ad yield management strategy to enable publishers to maximize their revenue at all times and manage potential risks due to supply and demand fluctuations.
What is Automated Traffic Allocation?
When improving revenue with dynamic price floor optimization, the use of automated traffic is critical for publishers. Supply and demand can quickly affect the price floor strategy, which is valuable for publishers. The volume of ads with flexible pricing is immediately reduced, while new floor prices are calculated to match the new supply and demand situation.
The yield management strategy does not only take into account revenue maximization, but also risk management. With automated traffic allocation, publishers can manage their volume and maximize revenue while taking less risk as supply and demand change the price floor strategy.
Key Benefits of this technology
- Improvement of Dynamic Price Floors Optimization behaviour
- Improve profit and avoid potential loss
- Save time and resources for publishers (development, maintenance, optimization calculations, pushing price floors)
- Risk management is under control
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